We are Tammy & Zak,
MoM and son team
and we are your consultants
You CAN get anything you
seriously want.
If you want something more out of life, but aren’t sure what it is. If you’ve tried to make changes in the past, without success. If you have a specific goal, but don’t know how to achieve it
Version française en constructions.
Your success
Get anything you want just by tweaking the way you think!
All you need is the plan, the road map, and the courage to press on to your destination.
Get Results That Exceed Your Expectations
Thinking into results Program
What is Thinking Into Results

About me
I have been guiding and inspiring individuals as a branch manager for the past 20 years to work as a team and meet the corporate goals. My mission today is to guide and inspirer people, groups and organisations to reach new highs by teaching them life changing tools, the laws of our Universe and how our MIND operates so that they can live their best life, fulfill their goals and live a happy, healthy and wealthy life.
I am a leader who knows the way, goes the way and is passionate of showing the way. I was and continue to be trained by Bob Proctor from the hit movie the Secret and World-Renowned expert in Human Development and Personal Growth. Bob has been helping people grow for more than 58 years.
Tammy is a wonderful, thoughtful, caring person!!
She helped me in so many ways, most notably in coping with the loss of my husband and my grief like no one could.
In our long heartfelt conversations, she knew what to say and provided me with the best advice that only a true friend could offer.
She may not know this but without her, I would not be where I am today.
Thank you my friend ❤
Fernanda Botelho

About Zakary Phaneuf

Achieve any goal:
- Debt elimination
- Job promotion
- Weight release
- Personal relationships
- A new home
- Wealth creation
- Improve health
The Life Lived Better Blog

If You Love Competition, You Never Lose
1. Background/Biography: My name is Jamie Luner and, until recently, I have primarily been an actress. My career, which started with acting in commercials at the age of three, has allowed me to star in such well-known television shows such as “Just the 10 of Us, ”...

Close Those Doors
In 1949, a young fifteen-year-old sophomore student from Plainfield High School in New Jersey made a decision to become the greatest athlete in the world. It was a pretty ambitious objective – an idea that most fifteen-year-olds wouldn’t even dream about. But Milt...

My Conversation With Bob Proctor That Turned Into The Greatest Adventure
I first met Bob Proctor in 1994. Shortly thereafter, I resigned my corporate job and began my own marketing agency, which included the great pleasure of working directly with Bob as his writer. On an almost daily basis, we would kibbitz back and forth on various...

How To Love What You Do
This past week I was out of town on a business trip with one of my associates. Somehow, the subject of different people and their various professions became the topic of our conversation. As we talked about each of the different types of work I would comment, “I...